Welcome to part 2 of our 4-part series on defining our ideals.
By understanding our ideals, we gain clarity on what to aim for.
It helps us define who we want to be, how we want to show up, and what we want to create.
This isn't about making a rigid plan; it's about fine-tuning our awareness to be more sensitive to thoughts, emotions, people, places, and things.
Thanks to a recommendation from my friend, Sam Roychowdhury, I started reading Evolvagility by Michael Hamman.
In it, Michael supports a mindset shift from "Planning-Predictability" to "Sensing-Response."
This shift aligns well with the agile approach adopted by many organizations today (hence, EvolvAGILITY).
Given the tremendous complexity of the systems we interact with daily, predicting future outcomes becomes more challenging.
Nature provides the answer: we become more dynamic, flexible, aware, and sensitive.
Using this as our touchpoint, we access greater creativity and innovation in response to what we sense, or are "aware of," today.
So, I invite you not only to consider your ideals but also to understand why they are important.
It helps you recall what inspires you, what clicks, what "works for you."
From that place, you can also detect when you're off track with your ideals; which, according to the Emotional Response-Ability model by Charles M Jones, appears as the emotion 'shame.' This emotion serves as a guide to get you back on track.
Without further ado, here's your "ideal" prompt for today:
Feel free to share your ideal work activities with me. I'd love to hear more about your ideal work activities!
Go to Part 1, Part 3 or Part 4.